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Beyond Time Out - John Stewart, Ph.D.

A Practical Guide to Understanding and Serving Students with Behavioral Problems in the Public Schools

Book Orders contact : Sandra Wilson -

Presentations and Seminars contact -  or 207-772-8999

     This text serves as an excellent tool to support effective
     work with our most complicated and difficult children. Dr. Stewart
     offers a clear presentation of developmental theory as it relates to the capacity to
     organize and the ability to form and use relationships; and links these variables to a 
     range of behavioral issues. With case studies and creative 
     illustrations he clearly explains many of the puzzling aspects of problem behavior,
     and most importantly outlines appropriate school-based interventions.  Although
     written for the non-mental-health professional, Beyond Time Out serves as an
     excellent teaching tool for psychologist, social workers and counselors in their
     role as consultants. Central to Dr. Stewart's perspective is the belief that increased
     empathy, informed by better understanding of child development results in more
                                           effective intervention. 

"Dr. Stewart's wonderful book serves as an invaluable resource for those working with challenging youth."
Robert Brooks, Ph.D, Faculty Harvard Medical School. Co-Author of "Raising Resilient Children" and Author of "The Self-Esteem Teacher."

"As someone who has worked for many years in both education and mental health, it is refreshing to find a resource that finally bridges the two. I have used this book as a resource for all of my staff. We find it extremely helpful in redefining our perspectives of the population we serve."  Lisa Bilowith  (Burlington, VT)

"Beyond Time Out has become an essential resource in training our behavioral specialist, case managers and clinicians. Dr. Stewart's developmental perspective, which is stated in simple terms, helps staff members understand the origins of difficult behavior, provides useful interventions and promotes empathy in those who work with these challenging children on a daily basis".  Lyn Walker, Psy.D., Program Director, Greater Long Beach Child Guidance, Long Beach, Ca. 

    About the Author

    Dr. Stewart is a licensed Psychologist and has over twenty-five years of
    experience working with educators, parents and children in supporting public
    schools in understanding and addressing complex behavior issues.  He
    is co-founder and Clinical Director of the Maine Special Education \ Mental 
    Health Collaborative, community supervisor for the Department of Child
    Psychiatry Residency program affiliated with the University of Vermont Medical
    school and Maine Medical Center and serves as a consultant to public schools
    throughout the country.  In addition to his
    writing, consultation and seminar presentations, Dr. Stewart maintains an
    active private practice, providing psychological services to children,
    adolescents, adults and families.

    As an expert on serving emotionally, behaviorally and developmentally 
    disabled students within the public schools Dr. Stewart is a frequent
                                                presenter at regional, state and national conferences.  He is widely acclaimed  
                                                for his warmth, humor, clarity and passion with respect to this complicated

Windows of Empathy - A video training program for Educators - To be Release December 07'

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